My current practice explores themes of time and space, and avenues in situating one’s self within those parameters. How do we relate to time, and how do archiving practices partake in notions of belonging.
Collages combine family photos with ones found in carboot sales and shops as well as photographs seen in archives. Specifically, recent work includes archival photos of Cyprus and my hometown, Nicosia,
in the 40s -50s; exploring the colonial gaze within photography and how there is a sense of romanticising the colonial past.
My collages incorporate screenshots from phone photo folders and process stills from software such as Photoshop, commenting on how the manipulation of images adds to the narratives photographs form and represent. What does the backdrop indicate and how can its placing and content or lack of content mean for the subject of a photograph?
Merging material from archives, digital and analog found images, I work by layering through collage, printmaking, paper models and photographic still life work, while aiming to create a dialogue around performativity and the experience of space and time.
Group Shows
2021, Nov. SolidAir, No Format Gallery, London
2021, April. Lush Art in Difficult times, IsNotGallery, Nicosia, Cyprus
2021, March. Seeking Roots, NiMac (Nicosia Municipal Arts Center), Nicosia, Cyprus
2020, Jul. MA Fine Art: A selection of work by graduating students, Camberwell student gallery UAL, London
2019, Dec. MA pop-up show, Camberwell college of arts, London
2017, Jul. Twofold, Bargehouse, OxoTower, London
2017, Jun. Graphics/Illustration graduate show, University of Brighton, Brighton
Features/ Collaborations
2023, Dec. Fabrica, In Between Gallery 2023 Open Call, Shortlisted artist
2023, July. LaMalditaEstampa Barcelona Printmaking Artist-In-Residence
2021, May. Cluster Print and Photography Artist-in-Residence program, Featured artist
2020, Oct. Postcards for Beirut, Contributing Artist
2020, Oct. UAL Online Graduate Showcase, Online showcase of graduate project
2020, Sept. Brenda Mag, Issue 6- Memoir, Contributing Artist
2018, Oct. Livia Rita at GROW hackney, Contributing Set Artist
2018, March. Brenda Mag, Issue 1- Scars, Contributing artist
2021, May. NiMac Online Event: Seeking Roots in wilting soil: Struggles for fluid identities in contemporary artistic practises. Panel included researcher Àger Pérez Casanovas, curator Ioulita Toumazi and exhibiting artists.
2020, Oct. Camberwell UAL Graduate show, Online talk: Photography as Material: Artist Talk/ Roundtable discussion, invited artist: Odette England, panel: Boglarka Eliz Varga, Silje Ree, Nicoleta Papaxenophontos.
PGCE Art and Design, Goldsmiths University of London, 2021-2022
MA Fine Art Printmaking, Camberwell College of Art UAL, 2020
BA Illustration, University of Brighton, 2017